Our integrated teams innovate and collaborate. See some examples of our work.
Designing Healthy Schoolyards for Los Angeles Unified School District
Designing Healthy Schoolyards for Los Angeles Unified School District
Redmond Climate Resiliency and Sustainability Vegetation Management Plan
Strawberry Bay Restoration
Geneva Bioretention Pilot Project
Port Orchard Stormwater Infrastructure and Sea Level Rise Analysis
Kent Parks Climate Resiliency and Sustainability Plan
Vancouver Sea2City Design Challenge
Shoreline Climate Impact and Resiliency Plan
Lawndale Southern Revitalization Project Feasibility Study
Jake Kuredjian Park Stormwater Project Feasibility Study
Merced Avenue Greenway Project Monitoring
County of San Diego Community-Focused Stormwater Program
State Parks Shoreline Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Adaptation
Boise Creek Golf Course Restoration Final Design
Seattle South Transfer Station Phase II Design Completion
City of Alhambra Green Street Feasibility Study
Cambie Corridor Integrated Water Management Plan
Wyoming AML Small Hard Rock Site Remediation
Shannon Point Shoreline Improvements
Pressentin Park Side Channel Restoration and Recreational Improvements
Puget Sound Shore Friendly Program Support
City of Kenmore Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan
Black Lake Algae Control Plan, Alum Treatments, and Septic Source Tracking
Silver Beach Creek Water Quality Retrofit
Hidden Lake Dam Removal
Pacific Lumber Stormwater Conveyance and Treatment
Leachate Pump Station Upgrades at Cedar Hills Regional Landfill
Troy Mine Revegetation Services
Swift Creek Sediment Management Action Plan Implementation
Lake Sammamish Snorkeling Survey
Lone Lake Management Plan
Julianna Park Improvements
Port Susan Bay Estuary Restoration
City of Seattle Stormwater Code & Manual Update
Still Harbor Shoreline Restoration Feasibility Study at McNeil Island
Port of Everett Stormwater Treatment Alternatives Analysis
Stateside Student Housing Development
Hawthorne Community STEAM Playground Retrofit
Port of Seattle’s Fishermen’s Terminal Redevelopment
Greywater and Rainwater Systems Design for BLOCKHouse: Homes for the Homeless
City of Marysville: Engineering for Olympic View Park Improvements
Westridge Place to Stoney Creek Way Trail Connector
Civil Engineering for Pasado’s Safe Haven Expansion
IC/ID Field Screening Guidance Manual and Training
King County Ditch Maintenance Toolkit
Municipal Construction Stormwater Site Inspection Toolkit
Incentivizing LID Beyond Permit Requirements Guidebook
Sun Canyon Road Resurfacing
Cottonwood Creek Wetland and Stream Delineations
Trophic Cascade Effects on Algae Blooms in Washington State
Black River Pump Station SEPA Strategy
Shirley Basin Uranium Waste Pile Reclamation
Vaughn Bay Microbial Source Tracking Study
Astoria Nordic Heritage Park
Ediz Hook Restoration
Mercer Island Decant Facility Retrofit
White River at Pacific Right Bank Flood Protection Project Planning and Design
Cornet Bay and Hoypus Point Improvements at Deception Pass State Park
Squalicum Creek Trail Cornwall Connector
Piner Point Shoreline Stabilization
Stillaguamish Village Design
Nearshore Restoration at Fort Townsend State Park
Dockton Beach Park Shoreline Restoration
Tacoma Climate Change Resiliency Study
Port Angeles Landfill Stabilization
Delridge Natural Drainage Solutions
Carli Creek Restoration and Stormwater Treatment Design
Black Pine Mine Reclamation
Cedar River Corridor Planning
Evaluating Establishment of a No Discharge Zone in Puget Sound
Vegetation and Wildlife Surveys for Bonneville Power I-5 Corridor
SR 167 Completion Habitat Mitigation and Stormwater Design
Cordata Trail to Elementary School
Albany Street Stormwater Facility
Evaluating Stormwater Retrofit and Restoration Opportunities in the Lower-Middle Deschutes River
Stormwater Program Support for Tumwater
Chicken Creek Refuge Restoration
D Avenue Green Street Stormwater Enhancement
Community Park at Cordata
Stormwater Infiltration and Impacts on Groundwater
LID Code Review and Implementation Tools
Bellevue Grand Connection
Lake Whatcom North Shore Water Quality Testing
Vancouver Watershed Health Assessment
Sunset Mine and Mill Reclamation
University CSO GSI Design Project
Upper Clear Creek Habitat Enhancement
Light Rail Construction Environmental Oversight
Seattle Center Campus Green Stormwater Retrofit
BMP Certification Services
Interbay Landfill Gas Extraction System
River Mine Reclamation
Retrofits to Reduce Phosphorus in Stormwater
Optimizing Bioretention Soil Media
Park Place Facility Design and POST Media Development
Port of Seattle Street Sweeping Effectiveness Study
Cedar Hills Landfill Development Alternatives
East Orchard Retrofit and Design
Tacoma Sustainable Materials Management Plan
Lake Whatcom Stormwater Capital Program
Colman Dock Sediment Cleanup Plan
Washington State Low Impact Development Training
Marymoor and Overlake Sustainable Redesign
Burnt Bridge Creek 2017 Trend Analysis
Big Cliff Remedial Investigation
Redmond Bioretention Research
Lower White River Countyline Levee Setback
Secret Harbor Salt Marsh Restoration
City of Roses Disposal and Recycling Upgrades
Holden Mine Remediation
Redmond Bioretention Monitoring
Chambers Lake Stormwater Treatment Facility
Zhenjiang Sponge City Infrastructure Planning
Sinnema Quaale Trail Protection and Habitat Enhancement
Hall Creek Culvert Removal and Restoration
City of San Francisco Typical Plans and Specifications for Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Coal Creek Parkway Culvert Replacement
WindFloat Pacific Offshore Wind Demonstration Project NEPA EA and Permitting
Green Lake Integrated Phosphorus Management Plan and Alum Treatment Design
Redmond Watershed Management Plan
Forest Rose Mine Reclamation
Pullen Creek Fish Passage and Restoration Design
City of Seattle Stormwater Code and Manual Update
Hillslope Delineation Toolbox and Batch Modeling
Canyon Ferry Shore Stabilization
The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) has identified six sites along the shoreline of Canyon Ferry Reservoir near Helena, Montana with →
Basin Planning for Agencies and Municipalities
Basin planning is inherently complex and uncertain. The interactions of physical, atmospheric, chemical, biological, climate, social, political, economic, and regulatory →
Bacon Creek Quarry Restoration
The Bacon Creek Quarry restoration project is a component of the Seattle City Light Skagit River/Newhalem Second Tunnel Project, which →
Aviation Stormwater Design Manual
To decrease wildlife-airplane interactions caused by stormwater facilities, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) →
Alaskan Way Viaduct / SR 99 Bored Tunnel Design-Build Project
Herrera is working as part of a team to provide design-build services to the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) →
2200 Sixth Avenue
Suite 1100
Seattle, WA 98121
Phone (206) 441-9080
Contact: Alice Lancaster
107 SE Washington Street
Suite 140
Portland, OR 97214
Phone (503) 228-4301
Contact: Ellen McClure
101 East Broadway
Suite 610
Missoula, MT 59802
Phone (406) 998-6760
Contact: Heidi Houck
1329 North State Street
Suite 200
Bellingham, WA 98225
Phone (360) 398-5075
Contact: Chris Webb
231 D Street
Davis, CA 95616
Phone (971) 200-8876
Contact: Kate Forester
444 S. Center St.
Casper, WY 82601
Phone (307) 823-6919
Contact: Mark Gentry