Boise Creek Golf Course Restoration Final Design
In 2020, Herrera began work on the Boise Creek Golf Course Restoration project to reconstruct and restore a portion of the stream into a flourishing spawning ground for salmon by realigning Boise Creek. Boise Creek is home to six species of Pacific salmonoids, including two endangered species, the White River spring Chinook and steelhead.
Herrera’s team designed and provided supporting engineering and permitting documents to realign the Boise Creek channel for the City of Enumclaw in southeastern King County. A highly productive salmon spawning stream that drains the Cascade front, the project reach through the Enumclaw Golf Course is a particularly productive salmon spawning location, historically impaired due to lack of a riparian corridor and hydraulic complexity within the channel. Herrera led a multidisciplinary design, permitting, and construction support team in relocating 1,800 feet length of the creek channel to improve habitat conditions, create a buffer between active golf course areas, and reduce flooding impacting golf course operations. Herrera assisted the City in convening technical advisory committee meetings with staff from various City departments, Puyallup Tribe of Indians representatives, and property owners. Herrera also provided specialty construction oversight for stream and landscape elements. Construction of the first phase is complete, while the second phase is to be constructed in 2024.