Dockton Beach Park Shoreline Restoration
King County purchased eight parcels to expand the park and improve ecological conditions in Quartermaster Harbor. The County wanted to remove a 400-foot-long section of the rock bulkhead, the homes, and associated fill to restore predevelopment geomorphic processes, which consisted of a marsh at the east end of the project site.
Herrera identified large wood waste deposits buried just underneath the active bed layer due to the site being a past mill and performed soil sampling and analyses of upland and intertidal areas to identify areas that should not be excavated to avoid releasing contamination into the harbor. Herrera prepared three reports to support the engineering design effort.
The first report documented predevelopment conditions at the site and provided motivation for removing the bulkhead and homes. This report also informed a hazardous materials sampling effort, which was summarized in the second report along with recommendations for disposal of contaminated material. In a third report, Herrera provided design recommendations, which included an analysis of waves at the site and the suitability of various on-site materials to be used as beach nourishment and bank protection. Herrera also provided support during construction.