Incentivizing LID Beyond Permit Requirements Guidebook
Herrera worked with the Washington State Department of Commerce and the Puget Sound Regional Council to develop a guidebook on Incentivizing Low Impact Development Beyond Permit Requirements. The guidebook was designed to help jurisdictions develop incentives to increase developer use of LID “above and beyond” existing stormwater permit requirements. Herrera participated in several workshops with the Building Green Cities Advisory Committee comprised of representatives from cities, counties, local developers, universities, the environmental community, and state and federal agencies.
Herrera assisted with developing content for a set of factsheets that were integrated into the guidebook that responded to barriers and leveraged the motivators identified in the social marketing research. The factsheets addressed 10 different LID BMPs: Bioretention and Rain Gardens, Pervious Concrete, Porous Asphalt, Permeable Pavers/Open Cell Grids, Vegetated Roofs, Rainwater Harvesting, Amended Soils, Minimal Excavation Foundations, Dispersion, and New/Retained Trees.
The Herrera team also assisted with developing a Stormwater Requirements Matrix that was integrated into the guidebook which serves as a starting point for locating jurisdiction-specific stormwater requirements and materials in the Puget Sound region. The final guidebook was published in May 2020 and can be downloaded from the Department of Commerce website.