SR 167 Completion Habitat Mitigation and Stormwater Design
For decades WSDOT has been planning a critical missing link in Washington’s highway network: extending State Route (SR) 167 for a length of 6 miles from the City of Puyallup to SR 509 amid the Port of Tacoma. The project has at last been funded by the State Legislature, and Herrera is part of a large consultant team assisting with project planning, design, and permitting. We are leading the work on three major elements of the project: 1) relocating several miles of stream channels and improving aquatic, riparian, and floodplain habitat conditions throughout the project area, 2) forging a strategy for mitigating impacts to approximately 25 acres of wetlands in the project area, and 3) analyzing stormwater treatment and flow control requirements and preparing conceptual design for those facilities. Herrera engineers, hydraulic modelers, geomorphologists, fisheries biologists, wetland scientists, GIS analysts, and permitting experts are collaborating to tie all of these issues together with a holistic design approach that will yield greatly improved conditions for fish and wildlife while reducing flooding of roads and adjacent lands.