Port of Everett Stormwater Treatment Alternatives Analysis
Herrera worked with the Port of Everett to complete a stormwater treatment alternatives analysis for their 65-acre mixed-use Waterfront Place development. This project aims to prevent stormwater discharges at the former Everett Shipyard site from re-contaminating sediments in the marina.
Herrera evaluated a wide range of available treatment technologies to select the most effective and least-cost system to treat contaminants such as heavy metals, organotins, SVOCs, PCBs, and dioxins from the former shipyard. Our analysis considered pollutant removal efficiency, head requirements, range of tide elevations, and risk of backwater/saltwater fouling the system.
Herrera recommended the Modular Wetlands System Linear Filter due to its approval in Washington State for basic and enhanced treatment and easy integration into the existing stormwater drainage system. The Department of Ecology Toxics Cleanup Program has indicated a high level of support for the use of this system. Additionally, the City of Everett is installing several of these systems along the Everett waterfront with funding support through an Ecology stormwater grant.