City of San Francisco Typical Plans and Specifications for Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Herrera worked closely with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to develop comprehensive green infrastructure (GI) technical details with an eye toward stormwater management performance, constructability, maintainability, alignment with regional and national standards, and compatibility with City requirements. Building from Herrera’s extensive experience designing, constructing, inspecting, and monitoring GI; the team updated and refined a suite of standard details for permeable pavements, bioretention planters and basins, and infiltration galleries for use in the dense urban right-of-way and on private parcels. Herrera also expanded the detail set to add new details for vegetated roofs and contributed to guidance for pretreatment strategies and sizing upstream of infiltration galleries and centralized facilities.
In addition, Herrera worked with the team to update the specifications for pervious concrete and bioretention, providing national perspective for GI design, construction, and maintenance. Using these updated details and specifications, SFPUC (and a broad range of developers, engineers, and architects working in the City) can now more easily apply state-of-the-science GI best management practices, keeping San Francisco at the forefront of stormwater management implementation.