Pressentin Park Side Channel Restoration and Recreational Improvements
The Pressentin Park Project includes the restoration of a one-half-mile long historic Skagit River side channel to provide critical off-channel habitat for salmonids and create a variety of park improvements. Recreational improvements include ADA trails, additional picnic shelters, a new water line, pedestrian bridges across the new side channel, a new day-use area with a bike rack and play areas, and the first bicycle-in-only campground in Washington State.
Herrera assisted the Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group (SFEG) with alternatives analysis and preliminary design development for the preferred alternative. The team also worked with Skagit County Parks and Recreation (SCPR) to complete design plans, specifications, and cost estimating for construction, in addition to providing support for specification booklet assembly, bidding, and special inspections during construction. Throughout the project, Herrera worked closely with the local area tribes and the project’s archaeologist to ensure all design elements were consistent with the highly-sensitive archaeological setting.
The project focuses on re-establishing floodplain and side channel habitat at the site over a range of river levels, providing increased habitat for rearing Chinook salmon and steelhead trout. The restored side channel will also provide habitat for coho, chum, and other salmon species. Herrera’s design emulates habitat characteristics in the existing Marblemount Slough, a highly functioning side channel within Pressentin Park. To determine fish habitat use in Marblemount Slough, Herrera developed a snorkel survey protocol, trained SFEG staff in proper snorkel survey techniques, and conducted two snorkel surveys along the entire length of the Marblemount Slough channel.
Herrera engineers modeled alternative site configurations to inform the selection of a preferred design approach to evaluate hydraulics for design and reduce potential offsite hydraulic impacts from the project. Herrera provided site inspections and other support for SCPR during site construction.