Puget Sound Shore Friendly Program Support
Herrera staff have provided technical support to the Shore Friendly program since its inception in 2012. Our staff have conducted over 100 Shore Friendly site visits for the Northwest Straits Foundation and Island County’s Shore Friendly programs. In addition our team developed GIS-based tools to achieve Shore Friendly outreach objectives and increase efficiency and consistency across the Shore Friendly program. Recently, Herrera developed outreach materials for shoreline property owners aimed at improving stormwater management on coastal bluffs.
Herrera has led beach walks with property owners and workshops focused on coastal processes and nearshore restoration. Our staff has contributed to the engineering planning, design, and implementation of several armor removal projects in the Puget Sound region. Herrera has also taught workshops on slope stability and the importance of marine riparian vegetation, conducted coastal bluff assessments, and designed soft shore protection projects in Puget Sound. Currently, Herrera is under contract to support the Northwest Straits Foundation, Pierce and Mason Conservation District’s Shore Friendly programs.