Herrera was part of an interdisciplinary team led by Principle Power, Inc. proposing to install a 30-megawatt wind energy facility approximately 17 nautical miles off the Pacific Coast near Coos Bay, Oregon. The offshore wind turbines would be placed on patented, floating foundations (WindFloat), which eliminate the need for seabed-disturbing foundation structures and can be sited to avoid conflicts with other marine uses. It was the first offshore wind energy project proposed along the West Coast of North America. The project was part of US Department of Energy’s (DOE) program to encourage Advanced Technology Demonstration Projects. Herrera conducted numerous studies of the offshore environment to inform project leasing, design, permitting, and construction. During phase one of the project, we prepared the unsolicited Outer Continental Shelf lease application to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, supported public outreach, engaged with local, state, and federal agencies with jurisdiction to pre-plan the team’s compliance and permitting approach. During phase two, we prepared a third-party Environmental Assessment documenting environmental resources in the project area (including offshore, nearshore, and terrestrial) and potential effects of the WindFloat Pacific project on those resources. The document supported the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process to be prepared by BOEM.