Herrera attended the 2024 NALMS Conference 

Herrera was excited to attend the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) in South Lake Tahoe, CA from November 5th-8th, 2024. This is the 18th NALMS conference that Herrera has attended, and our staff enjoy learning and contributing to this conference every year.  

It has been a busy time for our lake team. They recently attended the OLA-WALPA conference in Portland, Oregon where team members shared their new work (learn more here). Katie Sweeney, Tim Clark and Rob Zisette shared the same presentations at NALMS this year! 

Here are the presentations:  

A Lake That Flows Both Ways Part 2: The Implementation Game. Katie Sweeney presented on implementing the Vancouver Lake Management Plan prepared by Herrera last year. The talk focused on the algicide treatments piloted at the swim beach during the summer 2024 season, while we continue designing and modeling lake flushing enhancement alternatives and developing a special district framework long-term HAB management solutions. 

Oxygen Saturation Technology for HAB Control in Washington Lakes. Rob Zisette presented on the next generation of hypolimnetic oxygenation technology for effectively managing HABs without the use of chemicals. This was recommended for 3 of the 7 cyanobacteria management plans recently prepared by Herrera.  

A Spatial Screening Model for Identifying Priority Road Segments for Managing a Toxic Tire Chemical (6PPDQ). Tim Clark presented about an expert knowledge-based spatial model developed by Herrera for King County that classifies road segments by the relative amount of 6PPDQ in tire particles which wash into streams and kill coho salmon. 

We look forward to attending in 2025 in Myrtle Beach! Learn more about NALMS here: https://www.nalms.org/