Rob Zisette

Principal Aquatic Scientist

I came to Herrera in 1989 to do cool stuff with fellow grad students, and haven’t looked back. Lake management has always been my main passion, but I am fortunate to have become an expert in other areas of water resource management, including water quality monitoring, microbial source tracking, floating treatment wetlands, and sediment management. I also love soccer, cycling, skiing, and family time.

M.S. Water Resource Management, University of Washington Department of Civil Engineering
B.S. Environmental Biology, University of Calgary
Favorite Species:
It used to be Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, but now it’s the rough-skinned newt because it is toxic to all predators except garter snakes and has interesting mass breeding behavior.
Proudest Moment on the Job:
Given the tiger award from my co-workers because of my passionate pursuit of high quality work.