Herrera’s team looks forward to continuing our relationship with Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group (Mid Sound) to develop a master plan and conceptual design to restore and improve habitat in a public open space adjacent to the Wingfield subdivision in the City of Covington, WA.
This project will focus on Little Soos Creek, where frequent flooding inhibits residents from accessing the trail located along the creek’s bank. The master plan and design aim to reduce flooding, improve floodplain connection, rebuild the existing trail at a high elevation, and restore riparian vegetation. The project design will also be developed to protect and enhance rare native prairie habitat present on site.
After Herrera evaluates existing conditions, we will develop a master plan and conceptual restoration alternatives with community input, and work collaboratively with Mid Sound and the local community to evaluate alternatives and select a preferred alternative to move forward to design. Through the design process, Herrera will also coordinate with the City of Covington to improve on and better integrate the City’s adjacent stormwater facilities into the restoration.
Our team is excited to apply our expertise in habitat restoration and master planning to restore ecological processes for long term resiliency. Please contact Betsy Lyons for more information on this project.