David Werner, PE, PLA
Engineer & Landscape Architect

I am passionate about protecting, restoring, and enjoying natural waterways. I love working on projects that create and restore natural systems and wildlife habitat. In developed urban areas, I design stormwater retrofits that protect the areas downstream. As a landscape architect, I design trails and parks that bring people into nature. Outside of work, you will probably find me playing in or near a stream, whether it’s flyfishing, hiking, backpacking, or mountain biking.
- Education:
B.S. Civil Engineering, Portland State University, 2016
B.L.A. Landscape Architecture, Kansas State University, 2001
- Favorite Species:
- Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax). It was (mis)named by the Lewis & Clark expedition. Bears don’t eat it, and it’s not technically a grass. The flowers look like they are straight out of a Dr. Seuss book, and I love seeing them bloom in the meadows on Mt. Hood.
- Hidden Talent:
- Tying knots.