See Herrera’s Jenn Schmidt Present at the 2023 Green Infrastructure Summit of the Salish Sea

On March 17th, join us from 8:30 am-4:30 pm at Cascadia College in Bothell, WA for the 2023 Green Infrastructure Summit of the Salish Sea, sponsored by Herrera. This year’s theme, Money as Medicine, will provide insight into green infrastructure investments and initiatives, indigenous perspectives for planning green infrastructure (GI), funding approaches, and other GI-related topics.

From 10:05 to 10:55 am, tune in for the Complex Community-Centered Collaborations panel to see Herrera Spatial Science Director, Jenn Schmidt, GISP present on Lessons Learned: Leveraging GIS to Center Equity in Green Infrastructure Planning. At 11:05am, head to Breakout 1a: Recent GSI Innovations to see the City of Bellingham’s Eli Mackiewicz discuss the development of an open-source stormwater treatment media for enhanced stormwater treatment; an effort in which Herrera provided research & development (R&D), performance monitoring, and design support. More information can be found here.