This Saturday our good friends at the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group (SPSSEG) are teaming with Northwest Trail Runs to host a trail run around the Kennedy Creek watershed that starts at the Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail in Totten Inlet. Herrera is one of the sponsors of this event, we hope you’ll join us!
The trail run event and registration information can be found here:
More about this event from SPSSEG:
The Kennedy Creek Salmon Trail (KCST) is one of the South Puget Sound’s premier places to experience the magic of the annual chum salmon migration. KCST is a not so hidden gem nestled in Totten Inlet, on the Mason/Thurston County line. Every November, as the chum return to the creek, another migration occurs, this one in the form of school buses full of students. As they tumble out of buses, they are greeted by a smiling volunteer who will lead them on a tour of the trail. As they wander through the trail, they witness the amazing final stage of the salmon lifecycle and learn about the significance of the lush forest ecosystem and the importance of clean, clear, cold, constant water.
This November, the KCST turned 20 and as you read this email we are working on wrapping up another successful year of introducing thousands of students and community members to the chum of Kennedy Creek. If you want to catch the chum this year, the trail is open to the public and staffed by our volunteer docents until Sunday, December 1.
By March, the chum fry will be emerging out of the gravel and the cycle begins again. Please join us at trail in March for the Chum Run and help send the young chum off on their journey to the ocean. The Chum Run is a way for us to help raise funds to keep the trail going and to continue to introduce new friends to this special place for many years to come.