Herrera Teams Up with VIA for City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan Update

Herrera is teaming up with VIA – A Perkins Eastman Studio to assist the City of Edmonds with updating its Comprehensive Plan that will guide the City’s decision-making and development through the year 2044.

Through this project, the VIA/Herrera team will work closely with community members and stakeholders to develop a plan for addressing sustainability, land use, housing, economic development, community, culture and urban design, utilities, and capital facilities over the next twenty years.

Herrera will prepare a SEPA environmental impact statement (EIS) to analyze plan alternatives for reaching the City’s growth targets for population and assess potential environmental impacts on the natural environment, housing, infrastructure/capital facilities, employment, and the City’s ability to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Additionally, Herrera will advise the City on a strategy for SEPA compliance for the Highway 99 Subarea Plan to address community concerns about potential impacts on housing, traffic, pedestrian safety, stormwater, bulk/massing, air quality, environmental justice, and displacement.

Herrera looks forward to partnering with VIA to support the City of Edmonds community to promote a more sustainable, and equitable city. Please contact Lindsey Amtmann for more information on this project.