Shannon Wadkins

Administrative Coordinator

Serving as the lead for the front desk, and the “go-to” for supplies, mail service, IT interface, dysfunctional printers, travel arrangements, conference registration, malfunctioning facilities, scheduling meetings for senior staff, and as backup for word processing and proposal efforts, I’m favored with many opportunities to remain calm and sane, while balancing this diverse workload.

Outside of work, I enjoy watching British crime shows, but my favorite activity is putting together large puzzles –1,000–5,000 pieces.

B.A. Business Administration, Barnes School of Commerce
Favorite Quote:
"Today I learn the law of love; that what I give my brother is my gift to me." - A Course in Miracles
Favorite Species:
In spite of the fact that I’m known by some family members as a recluse, my favorite species is human. I’m fascinated with human behavior; I use my observations of others to help me be a better person.