Paul Hobson, PE

Senior Engineer

I grew up in the Atlanta area and moved to the Pacific Northwest for its nature, culture, and climate as I wrapped up my master’s degree in 2008. Since then, my career has focused on solving water resources problems through the lens of scientific computation, statistics, and data management. In my free time, I love to explore the forests, mountains, and sage brush steppe while lending my hand as a volunteer trail builder.

M.S. Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
B.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Favorite Species:
Antilocapra americana. I love that pronghorn are North America's fastest land mammal (up to 55 mi/hr) and evolved to outrun a now-extinct North American cheetah. Despite their formidable legs, they can't jump well and fences in our western prairies stymy their ability to cover large distances in search of good grazing. This constantly reminds me that small changes to the landscape can have outsized impacts to the broader ecosystem.
Hidden Talent:
Quickly spotting & identifying domestic cats among the other flora and fauna in my neighborhood.