James Packman, PMP
Associate Scientist
I am a surface water hydrologist who is passionate about helping clients and colleagues with their water resource management. I have worked as a water scientist, wetland ecologist, watershed restoration technician, academic researcher, lab manager, and environmental educator. As an Associate Scientist at Herrera, my work covers many aspects of terrestrial surface water science, engineering, and planning, including water quality, stormwater, sediment, drainage/flooding, monitoring, watershed science, pollution identification and source control, expert witness work, and project management. Outside of work, I enjoy family time, skiing, biking, gardening, travel, and playing piano.
- Education:
MS in Forest Engineering, University of Washington, 2004
BS/BA dual degree in Environmental Sciences and English, The Evergreen State College, 1994
- Favorite quote:
- If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? If not now, when?
-Pirkei Avot 1:14, Rabbi Hillel (110 BCE to 10 CE)
- Favorite species:
- Flora: Holodiscus discolor, aka Oceanspray
Fauna: Trochilidae spp., aka hummingbirds
- Hidden talent
- I make hummus, possibly the best you’ve ever tasted.