At Herrera we are lucky to make a living while making a difference. But in addition to making a living – we give back to non-profit organizations centered in the communities we serve. We annually poll our staff to determine who will receive donations during our year-end giving. Herrera staff selected the following 2016 deserving recipients:
The Nature Conservancy protects life in Washington and around the world. Bringing together agriculture, business, government, communities and other stakeholders, driving collaboration and delivering outcomes. The Nature Conservancy develops science-based solutions to have a significant impact, preserving and restoring land, protecting wildlife and water, supporting communities and jobs and growing local economies.
Engineers Without Borders, Puget Sound Professional Chapter is a non-profit organization, established in 2000, to partner with developing communities worldwide in order to improve their quality of life. This partnership focuses on implementing environmentally and economically sustainable engineering projects involving Puget Sound engineering professionals and students.
Depave based in Portland, OR promotes the removal of unnecessary pavement from urban areas to create community green spaces and mitigate stormwater runoff. Through community partnerships and volunteer engagement, Depave strives to overcome the social and environmental impacts of pavement with the use of action-oriented educational events, community stewardship, and advocacy to reconnect people with nature and inspire others.
Clark Fork Coalition is dedicated to protecting and restoring Montana’s Clark Fork River basin. For three decades, they have worked to restore and sustain the river and its tributaries, ensuring clean, cold, and abundant waters for generations to come. Applying scientific, technical, legal, and educational expertise to address the challenges faced by our rivers, they are advancing restoration opportunities throughout the watershed.