Stacy Luell, PE, QSD/QSP
Senior Engineer

My passion for stormwater management began during my undergraduate program, where I first learned about green infrastructure. I have carried that passion with me to Southern California, where I’ve built my career managing water resources and supporting stormwater projects in urban environments. Living within walking distance of the Los Angeles River constantly reignites my desire to help improve water quality and habitat in a place where water is an increasingly scarce resource. I enjoy working on projects where I get the opportunity to think like water.
In my free time, you can either find me rock climbing, traveling, or at home with my three foster-fail cats; Chrissy, Janet, and Jack.
- Education:
B.S. Biosystems Engineering, Clemson University
M.S. Biological and Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University
- Favorite Species:
- Manzanita trees. I find their red bark and twisted branches so unique. I had never seen anything like them before I moved to California, and they remind me of being away on outdoor adventures.
- Hidden Talent:
- Knowing (nearly) every lyric to every top ten song of the late ‘90s and early 2000s.