Bernie Alonzo, PLA

Associate Landscape Architect

Three core principles ground my work as a landscape architect. People and ecology are inseparable; landscape design must support and enrich both to be successful. Recognize the beauty in complex systems and seek to express it simply and clearly through design. The best ideas and designs are meaningless if they cannot be delivered – it is essential to bring people together to define fundamental goals, commit to them, and build strategies to assure the project is on budget and on time.

B.L.A., University of Washington
Favorite Quote:
“You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” - Ansel Adams
Favorite Species:
Heracleum maximum – big bold foliage, tenacious, and bright – holds its own against some of the fiercest weeds in the rural landscape and is a lovely focal point in a perennial garden.
Hidden Talent:
Cider making – I make 80 to 120 liters of dry, lightly carbonated cider a year from my own trees’ fruit.