2024 Construction Spotlight: Port Angeles City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit

Herrera is celebrating our recent construction projects this fall. Stay tuned over the next few weeks to see more projects. Our first project is the Port Angeles City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit.

Project:  Port Angeles City Hall Parking Lot LID Retrofit

Location: Port Angeles, WA

Best management practices: Bioretention, Porous Asphalt, Rainwater Harvesting, Native Planting, Large Trees

Acres Managed: 1.6

Community Benefit: Demonstration of LID BMPs near City Hall & Permit Center, depaving, aesthetic landscape improvements, trees/shade, interpretive signage, water quality improvements

Construction completion date: September 2024

Project Summary: Herrera worked with the City of Port Angeles to design a stormwater retrofit for the City Hall area to treat and manage runoff, improve water quality, and demonstrate BMPs like bioretention, rainwater harvesting and permeable pavement near the City's permit center.

parking lot

parking lot