The next project in our construction spotlight series is the Judson Street Downtown LID Demonstration Project located in Lynden, WA. This project demonstrates multiple BMPs and serves as a test case for other areas in the City.
Project: Judson Street Downtown LID Demonstration Project
Location: Lynden, WA
Best management practices: Pervious concrete, infiltration trenches, Filterra, BioPod
Acres Managed: 8.5
Community Benefit: Improved streetscape and pavement conditions, street trees and aesthetic landscape improvements, pedestrian improvements, water quality improvements
Construction completion dates: Phase 1 - October 2023, Phase 2 - December 2024
Project Summary: Herrera worked with the City of Lynden and Reichhardt & Ebe to redesign the streetscape for 6 blocks in downtown Lynden. This project improves water quality in the Nooksack River by providing treatment for stormwater runoff from roadways and residential development as well as installing facilities to allow the treated runoff to infiltrate into the native soils below.
Design Challenge: Maintaining residential access throughout construction and working with neighbors to develop solutions that work for their property frontages.