The Department of Ecology’s Water Quality Combined Funding application process is now open for stormwater and wastewater projects, programs, or actions that improve water quality. This year Ecology is rolling out a new grant for development and implementation of community-based public-private partnerships (CBP3s) with a pool of $3M.
Through a contract with Ecology, Herrera is providing free support to local governments to 1) vision how to use CBP3s and performance-based contracting to achieve their water quality goals and 2) develop applications for Ecology’s CBP3 grants. We are currently working with King County, Clark County, Mill Creek, Spokane, Kirkland, and Tukwila. Goals include a retrofit program to meet Stormwater Management for Existing Development (SMED) requirements, fee in lieu programs for regional stormwater facilities including stormwater parks, developing regional decant facilities, and implementing a county-wide bioretention maintenance program.
If you are interested in learning more about CBP3s or getting support from Herrera, please refer to Ecology's website.
You can also reach out to Rebecca Dugopolski [email protected] or Alice Lancaster [email protected] with any questions.
Contributors: Rebecca Dugopolski and Alice Lancaster