Our culture at Herrera includes a passion for serving our communities. We are stewards of the environment and we care about people that reside within it. More than a quarter of Herrera staff contributed volunteer hours and or funds to non-profits in 2018. Many of our staff supported multiple organizations with one person contributing to a whopping 24 different non-profits.
Herrera employees had the option of donating to a non-profit in lieu of receiving a holiday gift in 2015 and 2016. Given the popularity of donating, we redirected all holiday gift funds to non-profit donations in 2017 and 2018. In addition to Herrera’s main office in Seattle, there are branch offices in Portland, Bellingham, Olympia, and Missoula. Each year we vote for one regional and three local non-profit organizations to support. Herrera employees selected Engineers Without Borders, two food banks, and one shelter to receive a donation in 2018.
We are pleased to contribute $2,000 to Engineers Without Borders whose work empowers communities by developing sustainable means for providing for basic human needs. We love that Engineers Without Borders provide lasting solutions to better the lives of some of the poorest and underserved communities. One notable project included drilling wells to provide clean and reliable drinking water sources for villagers in Simwatachela, Zambia.
Engineers Without Borders: https://www.ewb-usa.org/
The Oregon Food Bank and Montana Food Bank Network each received a $1,000 donation from Herrera. According to the Montana Food Bank website, each dollar is enough to provide for 3 meals. In addition to distributing food, the Oregon food bank provides educational programs for nutrition and gardening to increase self-reliance. Both Oregon and Montana food banks advocate for legislation that reduce hunger.
Oregon Food Bank: https://www.oregonfoodbank.org
Montana Food Bank: https://mfbn.org
Herrera also donated $1,000 to Mary’s place, a Seattle shelter for women, children and families experiencing homelessness. The non-profit provides laundry, showers, employment, and housing services. According to its 2017 annual report, Mary’s place provided over 175,000 overnight stays, served almost 300,000 meals, helped over 1,000 children, and treated almost 3,500 medical conditions.
Mary’s Place: https://www.marysplaceseattle.org/
Organizations that Herrera staff supported in 2018:
Access Fund |
Adelante Mujeres |
Aldo Leopold Nature Center |
Allied Arts of Whatcom County |
Amnesty International |
Arc of Whatcom County |
Audubon Society of Portland |
Ballard Food Bank |
Bellingham’s Community Boating Center |
BikeWorks |
Board of Washington Green Schools |
Burke Museum |
Children’s Healing Art Project (CHAP) |
Christmas Family Adoption Foundation |
City Fruit |
Community Vision |
CURED Foundation |
Depave |
Engineers Without Borders |
Everytown for Gun Safety |
Friends of Bertrand, Haiti |
Friends of the Seattle Public Library |
Friends of Trees |
Girls Build |
International Living Future Institute |
International Rescue Committee |
KUOW (NPR radio station) |
La Leche League International |
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society |
Lovell Wyoming School District – Frank Somer Art Scholarship |
Mary’s Place |
Mercy Corps |
Michigan Tech Fund |
Momentum Alliance |
Motley Zoo Animal Rescue |
Mountains to Sound Greenway |
NAMI Seattle |
National MS Society |
Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA) |
Nature Conservancy |
Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association (NSEA) |
North Creek Presbyterian Church |
Northwest Center |
Northwest Washington Engineers Without Borders |
O’Hara Commons and Sustainability Center |
Oregon Cultural Trust |
Oregon Humane Society |
Oregon Justice Resource Center |
Oregon Public Broadcasting |
Organic Consumers Association |
Pacific Science Center |
Packwood Trail Project |
Peace in Schools |
PetSmart (homeless pets) |
Portland Chinatown History Foundation |
Prison Pet Partnership |
Puget Soundkeepers |
Recreation Northwest |
Resolutions Northwest |
River Restoration Northwest |
Save a Warrior |
Seattle Aquarium beach naturalist program |
Seattle International Film Festival |
Seattle Parks Foundation |
Seattle Public Library Foundation |
Seattle Works |
Shifting Gears |
Sierra Club |
Sisters of the Road |
SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) |
Southern Poverty Law Center |
Stoughton Area School District |
Stoughton Opera House |
Sustainable Connections |
Sustainable Tacoma Commission |
Tacoma Environmental Services Commission |
The BLOCK Project |
The Christian Left |
The Empowerment Plan |
The Nature Conservancy |
Tilth Alliance (formerly Seattle Tilth) |
Trauma Intervention Program of Portland |
Verde |
Vertical Generation (through International Refugee Committee) |
Wallowa Resources |
Washington Trail Association |
WaterWatch of Oregon |
Whatcom County Habitat for Humanity |
Whatcom Dispute Resolution Center |
Whisker City |
Wild Salmon Center |
Wild Steelhead Coalition |
Woodland Park Zoo |
World Central Kitchen |
York Community Farm |